01794 368418

Woodwarm Stoves

For over 40 years we have handcrafted Woodwarm stoves in the heart of Devon

Woodwarm stoves are handcrafted in the UK. Our passion for quality, design and the environment has helped us produce stoves that combine state of the art efficiency with reduced pollution to create really environmentally friendly appliances. Woodwarm Stoves are constructed with a steel body with cast iron and stainless-steel fittings. Each one is individually built by craftsmen and are rigorously tested to ensure consistent quality. Some of our fires are still in use some 40 years on, what else do you have that's still working at 40 years old? We know how to keep the glass clean; we know how to get the maximum use from your fuel, we are unrivalled in our canopy, fuel, colour, leg, handles, plinth, and pedestal, options. Because you buy a house for comfort and as an investment, your choice in a stove should be the same.
Firebright Inset Eco Square Fireview 12kw Plus PFT Fireview 6kw DD Fireview 6kw FT Firewren Tall 4kw Eco Foxfire 4kw Tall Kalido 73 Steele Frame Phoenix 7 Lifestyle Firewren Convector Landscape Wildwood 9kw FT


The following are real reviews by real people on CheckATrade where (at the time of writing) we have a rating of 9.96/10 from 307 reviews! We're very proud.